Investor Relations
- 2020-11-15 Stabilizing Actions, End of Stabilization Period and Lapse of Over-Allotment Option
- 2020-11-04 Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the Month Ended 31 October 2020
- 2020-10-21 Terms of Reference for the Nomination Committee
- 2020-10-21 Terms of Reference for the Remuneration Committee
- 2020-10-21 Terms of Reference for the Audit Committee
- 2020-10-21 List of Directors and Their Roles and Functions
- 2020-10-21 Second Amended and Restated Memorandum and Articles of Association
- 2020-10-21 Announcement of Offer Price and Allotment Results
- 2020-10-21 Procedures for Shareholders to Propose a Person for Election As Director
- 2020-10-12 Formal Notice